Resetting Australia’s biotechnology advocacy agenda
Wednesday, October 30, 2024 |
11:00 AM - 11:20 AM |
Plenary Room |
There has never been a more important time for Australia’s biotechnology and life sciences sector to come together with a unified purpose and voice. Globally, the biotechnology industry is gaining unprecedented attention. The combined pressures of pandemics, stressed supply chains, chronic disease, aging populations, climate change, health inequities, and geopolitical tensions – along with the rapid pace of innovation – have propelled our sector to the forefront of societal discourse. The convergence of these national and global factors demand intentional thinking and unified solutions. Join this session to hear how AusBiotech and MTPConnect are partnering to advance a mature, sustainable and forward-thinking joint advocacy agenda.
Rebekah Cassidy
Chief Executive Officer
AusBiotech Ltd
Stuart Dignam
Chief Executive Officer