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The most innovative laboratory in the galaxy

Thursday, October 31, 2024
8:30 AM - 9:00 AM
Plenary Room


Where gravity ends, innovation begins. Michael Lopez-Alegria, Chief Astronaut at Axiom Space and former Astronaut at NASA, will share his stories of performing medical experiments aboard the International Space Station. He will share the opportunity for the fundamental, translational, and promotable work that is being conducted today for unique discoveries and direct benefit to patients on Earth. Highlights and best practices of Axiom Space’s collaborative research portfolio will be shared with attendees, including: manufacturing stem cells, accelerating disease models, crystallizing proteins, expanding remote healthcare, and assembling ambient drug delivery platforms.


Rosanne Hyland
Deputy Chief Executive Officer
AusBiotech Ltd


Agenda Item Image
Michael López-Alegría
Chief Astronaut
Axiom Space

